Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Software or setting to self-limit app/game usage on Windows 11

I’m looking for a program or a setting that could limit specific computer programs. The user is the administrator. It’s for a friend of mine because they end up gaming too much. They know they do overdo it, but they just lack self-control.

I am aware of the Microsoft Parental Control feature, but it’s only available for kid accounts as far as I know. Also the application (game in this case) is on Steam, so I’d need to set a rule for the .exe file I suppose.

I am not looking for a bulletproof solution here. Maybe a password built into the program is fine, but it does not have to feel like it’s a rootkit. What I mean is, it’s okay if a techy user can disable it. It still works. For example, I use browser extensions to block certain sites that end up wasting a lot of time for me and offer nothing in return.