Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Tabs Widget Titles moving

I have a question about the tabs widget, I want the titles to be stationary and not collapse to the bottom when clicking through them. They are implemented here in this block for products.

<div class="product-data-items"
 data-mage-init='{"mage/tabs": {"openedState": "active", "active": 1, "disabled": [4], "disabledState": "disabled"}}'>
<div class="item-title-main" data-role="collapsible">
    <a class="switch" data-toggle="trigger" href="#tab-product1">Coin Packs</a>

 <div id="tab-product1" class="item-content" data-role="content">{{widget 
 type="MagentoCatalogWidgetBlockProductProductsList" show_pager="0" 
 products_count="4" template="ArcadesPro_Kiosk::product/widget/content/grid.phtml" 


Any help would be great i’m quite new to magento widgets still.