Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Tunneling two different instances of LAN Syncthing via SSH

I have the following configuration:
Two Syncthing instances running on PC1 and PC2(home) respectively on LAN1 and LAN2(home). Following this guide i set “Sync Protocol Listen Addresses” value to tcp:// and Remote device “Addresses” value to tcp:// Therefore, each Syncthing instance will have three open ports: 22000 and 22001 for connection and data transfer, and 8384 for the WebGUI. To enable remote access, I have set up port forwarding on my router, redirecting public port 3333 to port 4444 on PC2, where an sshd server is listening.

Now, my question is: How can I tunnel the three ports (22000, 22001 and 8384) using SSH, so that I can securely transfer files with Syncthing and control the PC2 Syncthing instance from my PC1 browser? I want to achieve this using the native Windows SSH client and have the command window automatically close after executing the command.

Note: Currently, I am using PuTTY to accomplish this by following these steps:

In PuTTY, I enter "MY_ROUTERS_PUBLIC_IP" in the "Host Name" field under "Session."
I set the "Port" to 3333.
Under "Connection" -> "SSH" -> "Auth," I specify "MY_PRIVATE_KEY_FOR_PC2" as the authentication method.
Under "Connection" -> "SSH" -> "Tunnels," I configure the following: L22001 and R22001

However, there are a few issues with this setup:

  1. The PuTTY window remains open at all times.
  2. Furthermore, due to my reliance on internet-sourced commands without a complete understanding of their functionality, I ended up tunneling only ports 22000 and 22001. Consequently, the GUI for Syncthing PC2 is not being forwarded to my PC1.