Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Upgrade 2.4.1 to 2.4.4

Getting an error on the upgrade process due to the following.

Php 7.4 is installed ok.
composer run ok.

But, magento stays on the 2.4.1 version and when I run bin/magento list

I can see the error is located with Vertex module that is removed in that version.

bin/magento list
Magento CLI 2.4.1

Available commands:
help Display help for a command
list List commands

In ServiceManager.php line 622:

Service with name “MagentoSetupConsoleCommandDbStatusCommand” could not be created. Reason: Class VertexTaxSetupSchemaTriggersMigrateVertexInvoiceSent does not exist
In ClassReader.php line 34:
Class VertexTaxSetupSchemaTriggersMigrateVertexInvoiceSent does not exist

When i search into my code the only references to Vertex i can see are under the dev/ folder…that’s why I don’t get why this dev folder doesn’t get updated automatically nor why the CLI is still in 2.4.1 while the composer update successfully went to 2.4.4

Thanks for help