Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

URGENT: Is there any way to retrieve credit card information from sales_flat_quote_payment SET cc_number_enc on Mageno 1.9.4?

I was following the steps here:

How to purge (delete) credit card numbers stored on Magento

and I’ve done the first paragraph of commands:

UPDATE sales_flat_order_payment SET cc_number_enc=NULL;
UPDATE sales_flat_order_payment SET cc_type=NULL;
UPDATE sales_flat_order_payment SET cc_last4=NULL;
UPDATE sales_flat_order_payment SET cc_owner=NULL;
UPDATE sales_flat_order_payment SET cc_exp_month=NULL;
UPDATE sales_flat_order_payment SET cc_exp_year=NULL;

In between time, someone placed an order and I deleted it by doing the above. I understand this information might also be stored in:

sales_flat_quote_payment SET cc_number_enc

Since I haven’t deleted that yet, is there any way to restore the CC information from there preferably just for that one order?