Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Use git to track changes to repo very often

I write a lot of org-mode notes in several files in a git repo. I want to be able to use git log -p to support two types of queries:

  1. See what I wrote on a given date, or a given range of dates.
  2. Find when I wrote a given keyword.

This is already supported by git log -p if I commit every day.

But currently, I use the commit messages as a sort of diary, committing infrequently, and I want to keep it that way. Thus, I want a parallel version of the git repository, just for searching.

How to implement this? I probably need cron, a way to have two git histories on the same repo, and also some way to have exactly one commit each day in the history.

(If this is a horrifying example of the X-Y problem, please comment on that, so I can ask a broader question.)