Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Various scripts and file errors with requirejs after upgrading from 2.3.1 to 2.3.4

While running an upgrade via composer for magento2, I ran into the following issues when I inspect the console.

  1. Various errors with different scripts on all pages, primarily the checkout page.
  2. Random mimetype errors, particularly with a custom mod that had an empty LESS file in it. (disabling the mod fixed it but thats not the solution I am looking for)
  3. Undefined variables in custom.js
  4. Typeerror: config.response is undefined in misc.js.

I am having a very hard time trying to find how to begin troubleshooting these.

I am running this on a localhost docker container.

I was able to check out and the app functions seemingly on my local environment, however, having all these errors is alarming, additionally, it is very slow to load
I am also running porto theme, however I attempted dropping it to luma theme and it still gave me these errors.
enter image description here