Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

vim create a binding so that pressing “Shift I I” writes python import statements

I want to create a binding so that pressing “Shift I I” writes python import statements.

I think it should be a map, like this:

:map <S-i><S-i> ...

I’m not sure how to map my desired output. I want to enter insert mode, then type:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

My issue is that I do not know how to insert the return character in this mapping. This mapping works, but only produces one line:

:map <S-i><S-i> iimport numpy as np

I tried using a return character,

:map <S-i><S-i> iimport numpy as npnimoprt pandas as pd

but that didn’t work. It just writes the return character out.

I also tried entering a space in the file,

imoprt pandas as pd:map <S-i><S-i> iimport numpy as np
imoprt pandas as pd

but that yields the error

Error detected while processing /Users/kilojoules/.vimrc:
line   22:
E492: Not an editor command: imoprt pandas as pd

How can I make this mapping write out the desired import statements?