Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

What can I block on windows firewall to reduce outbound pings?

So, running some analysis of network traffic on windows I have also noticed a significant amount of traffic. But running your own Wireshark on any device from Android, to mac Sonoma the same kind of activity is prone, and encrypted so why so secret? Anyway, to mitigate this activity at least on Windows can you manually and if so what exactly can you block to reduce network usage? Everything related to windows? Should I purchase a enterprise license instead of a pro?

Sidenote and Reference:
I plan on blocking this on my hardware firewall as well but that is another question in the future.

The PC Security Channel on Youtube “Has Windows become Spyware?” has a demonstration for a visual with windows idling and just going nuts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT4vDfA_4NI

Techradar claims it isnt anything to worry about but because they probably have partnership with Microsoft: https://www.techradar.com/news/is-windows-11-spying-on-you-new-report-details-eye-opening-levels-of-telemetry