Why are various minified JavaScript files missing in backend?

On the backend login page and within the backend itself the following files from https://store.example/static/adminhtml/Magento/backend/en_US/ are not being found (404): jquery.min.js, js/theme.min.js, mage/backend/bootstrap.min.js, mage/adminhtml/globals.min.js, Magento_Catalog/catalog/product.min.js, Magento_Translation/js/mage-translation-dictionary.min.js, underscore.min.js, mage/backend/tabs.min.js, and mage/adminhtml/grid.min.js.

The .min.js files do indeed not exist within pub/static/adminhtml, but their .js counterparts do. All static files in the frontend are being found.

I tried switching JS minification, version signing and merging on and off, all the time clearing pub/static and running bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy with the same result: Frontend works fine, but no .min.js files in backend and the backend seems to expect those. Currently dev/js/{merge_files,enable_js_bundling,minify_files,merge_files} are all off (0).

Disabling 3rd-party modules does not help and there are no customizations in app/design/adminhtml. This happens on 2.4.4 and after upgrading to 2.4.4-p2 or 2.4.5-p1.

What could be the cause? Which options could be relevant? Does the backend generally use minified versions or not?