Why do I have a “Linux” part in Windows 10 File Explorer?

I just noticed a “Linux” part in Windows 10 File Explorer.
I say part because I’m not even sure how to call this, it’s not a drive… it’s at the same level as OneDrive, This PC, Network… then Linux (the logo is the Linux penguin). I does not contain anything visible (no windows hidden files). Properties for this item say “The properties for this item are not available.”

Should I worry about this?

I have not installed any kind of dual boot, and I don’t see any unknown partition in disk management (or maybe … there’s a recovery partition that have no actions possible to it, only “Help”, which I don’t remember if it was created by Windows).

Edit: Now I remember that a few month ago, for a short-live .NET project, I was required to install something named WSL2… Because it was a requirement for Docker or something… I was in hurry and simply followed instructions.
I think that I have uninstalled WSL2 since then though… I would be still be interested in how to remove this Linux things.