Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Why is gnome-control-center trying to access a gsettings key that doesn’t exist?

I am using GNOME Shell 3.38.6 on Kali GNU/Linux Rolling 2021.3. I’ve recently started having an odd problem with gnome-control-center. The program completely crashes if I try to access the Power tab, and will not open again unless I change the dconf value so it opens on a different tab.

Running gnome-control-center from the terminal gives this output:

└─$ gnome-control-center 

(gnome-control-center:6885): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: 11:40:47.120: Settings schema 'org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power' does not contain a key named 'power-saver-profile-on-low-battery'
zsh: trace trap  gnome-control-center

It seems it’s trying to access a key that doesn’t exist. So I checked the schema just to be sure:

└─$ gsettings list-keys org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power

Sure enough, power-saver-profile-on-low-battery is not listed. Is there a way to either install this key from somewhere, or make it stop trying to reference this key?


I’m not sure if this might be related, but I noticed this issue began shortly after using the following commands: sudo apt install tlp tlp-rdw and sudo systemctl enable tlp. I was trying to figure out how to get my battery to stop draining so quickly.