Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Windows 11 static IPv6 source address

I configured my Hurricane Electric IPv6 tunnel, and all is working well with my router, router advertisements, auto configured addresses, etc.

I want a static source address on IPv6 traffic to make for sane firewall rules. I have use this Powershell commandlet to disable temporary addresses, which seems to have worked.


Set-NetIPv6Protocol -UseTemporaryAddresses Disabled

However, I still have my default slaac assigned address in addition to my statically configured address, and Windows uses that as the source address on outgoing requests.

Are auto configured (not temporary) IPv6 addresses obtained from the router advertisement static/stable?

What is current best practice for “static” IPv6 in modern Windows to ensure my source address is consistent?

There are various netsh options available, but those seem to be out of favour, with the PowerShell scripts preferred, but I don’t see the operation I want.

this doesn’t solve my issue, as I’ve already disabled temporary addresses
Why does my Windows have hundreds of temporary IPv6 addresses?