Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

512 bytes missing from micro sd card when in Chipal CF card adapter

I am on Linux Mint 20,

I just bought a “Chipal” micro-sd to CF memory card adapter,
I have several others bought on other occasions,
some SDcard, some microSD > to CF.

Now I have a problem; on this last purchase there is ONE BLOCK missing when the micro sd card is in the adapter !
Missing 512 bytes from the sdcard when its inserted in this adapter !
Normal size for the sdcard when in my two direct micro-sd card adapters is “31116288” blocks (16 GB cards) – however in this odd CF converter its 31116287 , 0,5 KB or 512 bytes more accurately less.

That makes me fear foul play – can someone have inserted BAD USB code in this cfcard adapter ? Please alleviate my fears !
It’s really out of blind fear I worry about a hack.
I dont know what to ask really.
Its just so odd that exactly 512 bytes are missing on cards in the adapter and none missing when sdcard is directly in other memorycard reader.
Initially first insert, I got an error message too in DMESG about FAT partition being too big and some wraparound truncating being done.

Please – any insight or info being appreciated !

Best regards