Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

A strange image floats above my stuff briefly when I return to X. What does it mean?

I have 3 screens on my main machine, which is in another room and is powered on 24/7. So to cut down on glare, when I retire for the night, I blanks the screens with CTRL-ALT-F1. I can bring them back with CTRL-ALT-F7 in the morning, but from time to time there is a wierd image that floats for a time above the X displays and then disappears. It contains text which appears to be HTML with error information about a DNS lookup.

It is also hard to understand because the text is truncated at the right margin rather than wrapping, so only a fragment is actually visible. The image is static — I cannot scroll it.

I would like to know:

  1. What is the origin of this image. I know it has a Linux Journal logo, but that just makes it more mysterious.
  2. What does it signify.
  3. Why does it only show up while the screens are returning from local console mode; it’s not at all clear to me what this has to do with DNS.

The image:
Weird ERROR image