Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Adding custom link in the beginning of the top.links section using default.xml

I have created a custom link using default.xml and moved it inside the top.links reference block.
This is my code

<referenceBlock name="top.links">
    <block class="MagentoFrameworkViewElementHtmlLink" name="custom-top-link-blog">
            <argument name="label" xsi:type="string" translate="true">Blog</argument>
            <argument name="path" xsi:type="string">#</argument>

I have also made some changes to top.links block.

<move element="register-link" destination="top.links"/>
<move element="top.links" destination="header-wrapper" after="minicart"/>

This is what I have achieved. Plz check the screenshot.
enter image description here

Now I need to move my custom link “Blog” before My Account that is in the first position. Screenshot where I need it.
enter image description here

How I can achieve this. I have tried adding before=”-” in this line

<block class="MagentoFrameworkViewElementHtmlLink" name="custom-top-link-blog" before="-">

but it did not worked. Plz suggest how I can achieve this.