Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

File transfer: Windows WinSCP orders-of-magnitude faster than Linux scp/rsync

My goal is to transfer a large file from a remote HPC to my local machine.

My experience is in Windows, but I recently got a workstation with Fedora. On my Windows machine, I use WinSCP. Downloading the file this way (drag-n-drop, I have done nothing to the WinSCP settings) I get download speeds >15 MB/s.

On my new Fedora machine, I have tried scp and rsync from the terminal,

scp user@remote.hpc:/grab/path/object.tif /target/path/

rsync -avz --progress user@remote.hpc:/grab/path/object.tif /target/path/

and also adding the cluster to my file tree and drag-n-dropping this way. On the same network as before, I am throttled at <50 kB/s, which is totally infeasible.

I assume WinSCP is automatically doing something smart, and an experienced Linux user would manually enable such behavior. But I am not an experienced Linux user.

Any ideas on what’s happening here?