Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Adding slick carousel to Magento 2 homepage

I’m having an issue with what I think should be a basic thing but I’m obviously doing something wrong, all I want to do is have a basic banner slider using slick slider jquery plugin. I have a custom theme working fine and I’ve downloaded the slick.min.js to app/design/frontend/Pyxis/pyxistheme/web/js/slick.min.js

I have then created the requirejs-config.js in my /web folder and added this:

    `var config = {
        paths: {
            slick:        'js/slick.min'
        shim: {
            slick: {
                deps: ['jquery']


which when I view the page source and view the file I can see that code.

My issue is that when I add the jquery code to a CMS page ie homepage like so:

I get a console error saying slick.min.js cannot be found? I have ran these commands in my terminal:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php -d memory_limit=2048M bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy en_GB -f
php -d memory_limit=2048M bin/magento cache:flush

Any idea why it can’t find my slick.min.js file?
