Asus laptop Win10: Are there protocols that show when the computer went to Sleep?

According to my default settings, it goes into Sleep Mode after 30 minutes of inactivity when plugged in, and 15 minutes when on battery.

However, on rare occasions, it doesn’t go to Sleep and still stays on for unclear reasons;
also, auto-updates that restart the computer can have such an effect sometimes.

So my question is: Is there a way for me to look at some log/protocol that shows at what time the computer went into Sleep mode? I.e. to ensure that it did go to Sleep after the 30 minutes, while I wasn’t in the room?

This is mainly privacy related in this case, since my laptop requires a password each time it’s turned on after being in Sleep – and if I leave the room for 1 hour, leaving it on, and then it happens NOT to go to Sleep, and sb enters it after 50 minutes, they’d have access to my device.

A log telling me it did go to Sleep after those 30min, or didn’t, respectively, would be very useful for such instances (2nd best thing after remembering to turn it off myself, of course).