Backing up and Restoring Linode backup File

I am currently using Linode Virtual Server. I have it set to auto backup nightly which is working fine. What I am trying to do is restore a backup to another linode. I have the option to do so, but when I try to ssh into the box I get cannot connect. I can open the console within linode itself but see that not all my files are in it.

(initramfs) ls
bin      dev      init     lib64    root     sbin     sys      var
conf     etc      lib      proc     run      scripts  tmp

That is all that is listed.

(initramfs) ls
bin      dev      init     lib64    root     sbin     sys      var
conf     etc      lib      proc     run      scripts  tmp
(initramfs) cd var
(initramfs) ls
(initramfs) ls
bin      dev      init     lib64    root     sbin     sys      var
conf     etc      lib      proc     run      scripts  tmp
(initramfs) cd var
(initramfs) ls
(initramfs) cd bin
sh: cd: can't cd to bin

What am I missing here? How can I restore a backup and have a working system?

Do I need to expand the files? If so how can i do tht?