app tries to connect to “” for some reason

I have the app and it hangs for the tiniest bit anytime I switch a tab. So I fired up Process Monitor and took a look into what it was doing.

I think this bit is the culprit and also suspicious.

ProcMon trace left part
ProcMon trace right part

If I am reading this right is trying to TCP connect to “” from 5 different ports. First off I don’t know why wants to connect to said address, at all. I suppose it could be using the cyberlink player or something but, Second, I don’t know why it tries to connect to the same port from 5 different ports (kind of looks like I fails but why try so many times in such a small time). Third I don’t even know what that address is supposed to be – Google was dry on the subject.

Now I’d like some help on:

1. How should I proceed with understanding what is going on?

2. Find out what “” is.