Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Bundle product shows out of stock in frontend : options and selection do not match

I have a magento with multiple store.

I created from the backoffice a bundle product with 2 options containing each one 3 selections of items

This product appears as out of stock in my store frontend.

So, I have been digging to check why the product do not appear as salable.

I managed to locate the issue there
vendor/magento/module-inventory-bundle-product/Model/GetProductSelection.php but I’m not able to explain it.

public function execute(ProductInterface $product, OptionInterface $option): Collection
    $metadata = $this->metadataPool->getMetadata(ProductInterface::class);
    $selectionsCollection = $this->collectionFactory->create();
    $selectionsCollection->setFlag('product_children', true);

    return $selectionsCollection;

When I’m in backoffice on the corresponding store view, this print

string(8) “Intenses”

string(8) “Intenses”

Here I already face an issue, cause the second option isn’t the one I expect…though she is printed in the backend so may be this is normal


The real issue comes once i’m in the frontend…it seems that i’m not able to find again the selection associated to the product on the store; and I also only iterate on the first one

out of stock

Any ideas what I could miss there ?