Cannot access internet after connecting to VPN

I use Cisco Any Connect to connect to the VPN address provided by my organisation but the problem is that after connecting to the VPN internet doesn’t work on my system (except for one client url for which this vpn was created, as the access to that url is restricted to client’s system only), for Chrome and as well as Safari. But I tried to configure Firefox using the proxy settings provided by the IT Team and internet on Firefox works well after connecting to VPN.

I have tried applying the same proxy settings for system wide access under Networks>Proxies but none of the options are working when I am trying to apply the same proxy config under these different options one by one- HTTP Proxy, HTTPS Proxy, SOCKS Proxy, internet still doesn’t work.

Also, I opened my service order menu under System Prefs>Networks, I noticed that my VPN connection from Cisco AnyConnect is not listed there. Could this be the problem?

Can someone please provide the solution for it?

MacOS: 10.15.7
CiscoAnyConnect VPN 4.9