How to use kwalletcli to get a password?

Looking for a way to save passwords that I would use in bash scripts.

On my KDE-plasma desktop, I can open “Wallet Manager” a GUI interface to show and manage passwords.

enter image description here

I installed kwalletcli to access those passwords from command line:

apt install kwalletcli

And trying to get the password:

# Usage: kwalletcli -f folder -e entry [-P | -p writepassword]
kwalletcli -f "Folder/subfolder" -e "keyname"

When doing so, it open a GUI to create a new wallet. But I need to access kdewallet not create a new one:

enter image description here

Accepting and creating a new wallet does not work neither:

kf.i18n: KLocalizedString: Using an empty domain, fix the code. msgid: "KWallet CLI" msgid_plural: "" msgctxt: ""
folder 'Folder/subfolder' does not exist