Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Can’t install neovim v0.8.0+ on Ubuntu

I can’t intstall neovim 0.8.0+ on KDE neon (based on ubuntu). I need neovim 0.8+ for LunarVim. apt says the next:

➜  ~ LV_BRANCH='release-1.2/neovim-0.8' bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lunarvim/lunarvim/master/utils/installer/install.sh)

      88                                                   88
      88 |                                                  __|
      88 |88   88 888888$   888888   888888 88    88 88 8888888888
      88 |88 |  88 |88  __88  ____88 88  __88  88  |88 |88  _88  _88
      88 |88 |  88 |88 |  88 | 888888$ |88 |  __|8888  / 88 |88 / 88 / 88 |
      88 |88 |  88 |88 |  88 |88  __88 |88 |       88$  /  88 |88 | 88 | 88 |
      88 |888888  |88 |  88 |888888$ |88 |        $  /   88 |88 | 88 | 88 |
      __| ______/ __|  __| _______|__|         _/    __|__| __| __|

Detecting platform for managing any additional neovim dependencies
[ERROR]: LunarVim requires at least Neovim v0.8 or higher
➜  ~ sudo apt install neovim  
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
neovim is already the newest version (0.6.1-3).
Starting pkgProblemResolver with broken count: 0
Starting 2 pkgProblemResolver with broken count: 0
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
➜  ~ LV_BRANCH='release-1.2/neovim-0.8' bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lunarvim/lunarvim/master/utils/installer/install.sh)

      88                                                   88
      88 |                                                  __|
      88 |88   88 888888$   888888   888888 88    88 88 8888888888
      88 |88 |  88 |88  __88  ____88 88  __88  88  |88 |88  _88  _88
      88 |88 |  88 |88 |  88 | 888888$ |88 |  __|8888  / 88 |88 / 88 / 88 |
      88 |88 |  88 |88 |  88 |88  __88 |88 |       88$  /  88 |88 | 88 | 88 |
      88 |888888  |88 |  88 |888888$ |88 |        $  /   88 |88 | 88 | 88 |
      __| ______/ __|  __| _______|__|         _/    __|__| __| __|

Detecting platform for managing any additional neovim dependencies
[ERROR]: LunarVim requires at least Neovim v0.8 or higher
➜  ~ 

Actual screenshot of terminal