Can’t set permissions for a user as admin to run a program?

Using windows 10. Have a program TOP Server 6, a UPC-OA program, that I want a user called Operator to be able to run. This user is part of the user group Users. Under the server_config.exe (the program to run) Security tab, the group Users is there, and it has Full Contorl/Modify/Read & execute/Read/Write all checked off, however Read & Execute/Read are grey check marks.

I think the grey check marks mean these permissions are inherited. When I click Advanced and see the Inheritance list, I see that the Users user group appears twice (among other entries and users).

First one I see –

Type        Principal                                  Access             Inherited From
Allow       ALL APPLICATION PROGRAMS                   Full Control       None
Allow       Users (HostNameUsers)                     Full Control       None
Allow       SYSTEM                                     Full control       C:Program Files (x86)
Allow       Administrators (HostNameAdministrators)   Full control       C:Program Files (x86)
Allow       Users (HostNameUsers)                     Read & Execute     C:Program Files (x86)
Allow       ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES                   Read & Execute     C:Program Files (x86)
Allow       ALL RESTRICTED APPLICATION PACKAGES        Read & Execute     C:Program Files (x86)

If I double click on the first row with Users (HostNameUsers) I see Basic Permissions with Full ControlModifyRead & ExecuteReadWrite checked off and they are editable by me.

If I double click the second row with Users (HostNameUsers) everything is greyed out – Type Allow dropdown is unchangeable, FUll Contorl, Modify and Write are not checked and unable to be checked. Read & Execute and Read are checked off and grey, unable to be modified.

I want the user Operator of users to be able to run this program. What do I have to change here? I am not sure what is going on here.

I have confirmed the Operator user is part of the Users (HostNameUsers) group and I am logged in as the administrator currently.