Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Cart price rules problem

Strange behaviour cart price rules.


  1. I have set price rules for free delivery above some price and its working more or less

  2. Let assume that I have different 3 products, different prices. If I add product A “OR” B “OR” C in cart.. even if price is low and if I rise QTY to reach minimum price for free delivery, everything is working… so, each by each no problem.

  3. If I have in product “A” already in cart and free delivery is approved and calculated and if I add product “B”, then Magento do not offer free delivery anymore and offer normal delivery price, but if I do this with product “C”, there is no problem, everything works fine.

  4. I duplicated product B, so lets say, that we have B2 product and if i use this product instead of B, evenrthing works fine.

  5. What I check:
    All rules, there is no rule which will prevent applying “free” rule on SKU or entity_id or any special… even if I disabled all other rules… the same story

So if I have product B in cart and reach Total value as rules require, I get free delivery… but If I have any other product also in cart…. then I can not get free delivery anymore, until I remove all products except problematic B or just B and leave others in cart.

Any idea what to do? I also tried to compare products in mysql… but I did not found anything.

Magento 2.4.6-p2
