Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Copy files while rearranging folder structure [on hold]

on my Synology station I have a huge photo archive with the following structure:

                    +--@eaDir (hidden folder)
                         +--001.jpg (folder)
                               +-- THUMB.jpg
                         +--002.jpg (folder)
                               +-- THUMB.jpg
                    +--001.jpg (image file)
                    +--002.jpg (image file)

I want to copy the thumbnails (not the actual images) to a different volume but keep the basic folder structure like this:

                    +--001.jpg (former thumbnail)
                    +--002.jpg (former thumbnail)

Unfortunately my skills regarding linux commands is very limited and I did not succeed (find, mv etc.). Especially lifting the thumbnails one directory level up and renaming it seems tricky for me. Also I want to omit this hidden @eaDir folder.

Can anyone help me out here.
Thanks a lot, hendrix.