Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

created bundle option into existing bundle wont save programatically

Magento 2.4.2-p1

Goal is to create a bundle option with a selection in it based on array of skus.
The array has 4 skus of simples existing in the catalog, lets say:

The strange thing, is that it will never add the first one.
Logs i have put in:




shows its being saved and giving back an optionId:

saveAction save SAVED resource save option title: 1665148566 optionId: 908641

saveAction save SAVED resource save option title: 1665148566 optionId: 908642

saveAction save SAVED resource save option title: 1665148566 optionId: 908643

saveAction save SAVED resource save option title: 1665148566 optionId: 908644

BUT, db shows differently (908641 is missing):

mysql> SELECT * FROM catalog_product_bundle_option_value WHERE title REGEXP ‘^[0-9]+$’;

| value_id | option_id | parent_product_id | store_id | title | placeholder |

| 21012029 | 908642 | 5831 | 0 | 1665148566 | NULL |

| 21012055 | 908643 | 5831 | 0 | 1665148566 | NULL |

| 21012083 | 908644 | 5831 | 0 | 1665148566 | NULL |

mysql> select * from catalog_product_bundle_option order by option_id DESC limit 20;

| option_id | parent_id | required | position | type | category_id |

| 908644 | 5831 | 0 | 0 | radio | NULL |

| 908643 | 5831 | 0 | 0 | radio | NULL |

| 908642 | 5831 | 0 | 0 | radio | NULL |

I have tried changing order of skus with no result.
(as alternative, if i create only one option, and put the array of links in it and save that only option, it wont save)
All of this, without errors that i can find in logs (debug, syslog, system, exception, mysql)

And here the code in question:

    foreach ($newProductLinksSkus as $newLinkSku)
            /** @var OptionInterface $option */
            $option = $this->optionInterfaceFactory->create();
            /** @var LinkInterface $link */
            $link = $this->linkFactory->create();
            try {
                $optionid = $this->optionManagement->save($option);
                #$optionid = $this->productOptionRepository->save($this->currentProduct, $option);
            } catch (CouldNotSaveException|InputException $e) {
                $this->logger->critical($this->prefix . $fn . "save fail {$e->getMessage()}");