I have a 40″ VIZIO V405-G9 TV that I use as an external monitor with my 2018 MacBook Pro on Mojave. My only real complaint is that there doesn’t seem to be a way to have it wake up when I plug it in. I have to use the remote […]
Daily Archives: November 17, 2019
12 posts
I’m attempting to cut a gif using -ss and -t in FFmpeg but it’s drastically decreasing the quality in comparison to the original gif. I’m using this command: ffmpeg -y ` -i "S:VideosSaved ClipsPSWMad WoolooMad Wooloo EL.gif" ` -ss 1.65 -t 1.65 ` "S:VideosSaved ClipsPSWMad WoolooMad Wooloo Short.gif" I’ve tried […]
Ihave dassette player with a variable speed control. Iplay along to music on my banjo. Inorder to play at a more steady speed I tured down the speed one tone lower e/g the key of Bb becomes Ab and it sounds good and fits my purpose,the problem is irecorded the […]