bin/magento info:language:list This return nb_NO and nn_NO for Norwegian, however no_NO does not exist. I can see some packages having the no_NO language file though (Stripe, Mageplaza). I tried to installed the Crowdin language pack for Norwegian via composer as suggested by Crowdin (they don’t have a nb_NO or nn_NO […]
Daily Archives: February 10, 2020
Is it possible to generate a JSON object for each file (with path) in a folder with it’s MD5? [ { "Name": "Games.dll", "md5": "4cd9e9a5efad4cceb01b3e41a047e489" }, { "Name": "Files/Image/Bg.png", "md5": "4cd9e9a5efad4cceb01b3e41a047e489" } ]
I need to override default browser for single process. This process starts manually from npm scripts. To achieve this programmatically, I decided to override BROWSER environment variable right before the script. But it does not work. It steal opens system wide default browser. I tried with xdg-open, but it is […]
Switch: Cisco 2960G Router: Asus RT-AC66U I’m really new to setting up networks with switches, and I’ve only recently begun to learn to configure switches, so please bear with me! I’d like to manually set up the switch to connect to the router, how do I go about doing this […]
I have two raspberry pi 4 connected each to router with DHCP. Both routers connected each other through switch. And router 1 gives IP to router 2 (lan connected through WAN and receive IP). I reserved IPs that they don’t change. I have also notebook, connected through switch. What I […]
The router in question is a Netgear C7800. Most of us are on the guest network, and for a few days each month, there will be a period once each day for which the guest network stops connecting to the internet. Rebooting the router fixes this. It only seems to […]