I am trying to implement a new action in the order grid, however I don’t know what is the logic that my code must have to work. Below is an image of what I want to do, as well as a fragment of the code I have implemented. public function […]
Daily Archives: January 30, 2022
Does anyone have try to install this extension with the same magento version. I have issue after purchase and install on my website, i used Magento 2.4.2 p-2 CE version, and try install this extension version 2.4.x this is should be works well: Add folder ‘Webkul’ into /var/www/html/app/code/ Command on […]
A little help if possible. We have a magento 2 site running on an 4 core 8gb ram vps. All has been running fine until recently. Normal website browsing remain very fast but there is a strange problem at checkout once a customer choses to pay via stripe. Magento sends […]
I would like to know if someone could tell me if there is any concerns for privacy in using one of those extensions (Frankerfacez, Better TTV, etc.) to add emotes to Twitch ? When I went to the Chrome store, the privacy practices (personally identifiable information) seemed a bit risky […]
I am a newer developer on a windows machine trying to set up my environment with a vvm using Vagrant , Virtualbox, and Ubuntu. I have run vagrant init and generated the vagrantfile but when I run vagrant up I am getting multiple 404 errors relating to ubuntu. After researching […]
I cannot access my ftp server (vsftpd) from LAN network (the same where server is running) using public IP address. It works only through local IP. Works through public IP, but outside my network. However, connecting to http server works perfect inside and outside my network. Here’s my vsftpd.conf and […]
Problem So far, I have not been able to find a way to type with one keyboard layout and press hotkeys with another (using the same old Qwerty muscle memory). I have been learning an alternate keyboard layout, which I am mostly happy with, but whenever I need to use […]
Overview I have a user with 3x Office 365 mailboxes. I’ve found that 2/3 inboxes are syncing fine, the last one will not sync. We’ll call the last inbox last-inbox@example.com. UX Mailbox last-inbox@example.com is showing up in Outlook. It just has no emails in the Inbox or Sent Items. Nothing […]