Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Error Webkul Marketplace Shipping for Magento 2.4.x when upgrade command [closed]

Does anyone have try to install this extension with the same magento version.

I have issue after purchase and install on my website, i used Magento 2.4.2 p-2 CE version, and try install this extension version 2.4.x this is should be works well:

  1. Add folder ‘Webkul’ into /var/www/html/app/code/
  2. Command on terminal inside path /var/www/html/

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

  1. I found error

Impossible to process constructor argument Parameter #1 [ WebkulMarketplaceModelControllersRepository $controllersRepository ] of WebkulMarketplaceBaseShippingSetupPatchDataInsertControllerPath class

  1. I have submit ticket to support, and provide all credential ssh/ftp and admin required since yesterday. But not yet received any feedback from support. I just wondering response time from Webkul because i have purchase this extension with 1 years support.

Maybe anyone here have experience buy extension from Webkul or have experience solved with the same issue