I am working on a custom extension where I need to call an observer when any payment method is selected from the available payment method list on the frontend checkout page. Unfortunately, I didn’t find one, but it seems that I rather need to subscribe to quote.paymentMethod. Can anyone tell […]
Daily Archives: January 18, 2023
Recently I’ve upgraded 2.3 to 2.4.5 and having following system configurations. php8.1 MySQL 8 Apache2.4 (Also tried with Nginx) Varnish configured I have 16GB ram with 500Gn SSD and i5 processor ubuntu os. My minified profile results are below. magento - 10s magento->routers_match - 6s magento->routers_match->CONTROLLER_ACTION:catalog_category_view - 6s magento->routers_match->CONTROLLER_ACTION:catalog_category_view->action_body - […]
I am running magento 2 in a VM on apache2. I created a new store view for another language of our shop. Main domain: company.com Storeview subdomain: de.company.com Problem: If I go to “http://de.company.com” then I get redirected to http://company.com. I deleted all cookies and flushed the magento cache.
I created a custom form to save the data(category – table_category). In the form page i have a grid which shows Faqs related to the category. Currently i am getting all the faqs(table faq), which are not filtered based on categories. I am passing the category id like below to […]
I want to make changes in function estimateByAddressId() which is public method. I tried following : app/etc/di.xml also tried in app/etc/frontend/di.xml <preference for="MagentoQuoteModelShippingMethodManagement" type="VendorCustomModuleModelShippingMethodManagement" /> But not succeed. Can anyone please help.
I know how to get to the “Define New Bullet” > Symbol options here: But how can I search for (or paste) the specific character that I want? Sometimes I want to use ❌ or ✅ or other unicode characters.
When I POWERWASH my MANAGED Chromebook I can’t bypass the Wi-Fi setup screen. Which automatically enrolls my Chromebook to my school but I don’t want to take apart my chromebook without damaging the chromebook. If I have to do this then I will other wise I’m looking for another method. […]
I have 3 Gbps fibre internet connected to my machine, through ethernet, and I never seem to get the full download speed no matter what, however the upload speed is always at maximum, which is weird. The speedtest, in the router always is always 3 Gbps, and averages around 3250 […]
I’m trying to add a route to bypass the VPN connection for and just use the Wifi internet directly. I’m using Nord VPN and it doesn’t have a split tunneling option so I have to do it manually. Here is my code, but it shows an error while my […]