How to show data in grid based on url parameter in magento 2 custom form?

I created a custom form to save the data(category – table_category). In the form page i have a grid which shows Faqs related to the category. Currently i am getting all the faqs(table faq), which are not filtered based on categories.
enter image description here

I am passing the category id like below to the listing.

<fieldset name="faq_lists">
    <argument name="data" xsi:type="array">
        <item name="config" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="label" xsi:type="string" translate="true">Faq List (Listing)</item>
    <insertListing name="faq_lists">
                <link name="faq_category_id">${ $.externalProvider }:params.faq_category_id</link>

And in the listing xml i added

    <param name="faq_category_id">*</param>

But still all the faqs show in the grid. Not based on the category id its not filtering. How can i do this task?