Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Defrag do on SSD when DisableDeleteNotify

What does defrag really do on a SSD when DisableDeleteNotify is manually set to 1 on recent Windows versions like Win 10?

Assuming that the SSD is properly detected by defrag as an SSD (and thus will never be defragmented) it is supposed it will go ahead to trim the free space; however configuring this parameter DisableDeleteNotify to 1 is globally documented in internet as fully disabling trim in Windows (no reference to limit only to ‘instant trim’).

A link to any related documentation of MS would help to clarify the response.

The (off topic) context on this question is this: disabling instant trim while postponing it to a weekly task, similar to Linux, allows margin to forensic recover deleted data and files from SSD as it was possible with the old HDDs (now you only get zeroes).