Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Dictionary with unknown depth in Python Django [closed]

i have following data:

    {'I. Intangible Assets': ['1. Concessions, Licenses']},
    {'II. Tangible Assets': [
        '1. Land, Buildings and Similar Rights',
        '2. Machinery and Equipment',
        {'3. Other Facilities, Operating and Business Equipment': ['Cars', 'Trucks']}
    {'III. Financial Assets': ['1. Equity Interests in Affiliated Companies']}


{% for group in structure %}
            {% for parent, elements in group.items %}
                <b>{{ parent }}</b><br>
                {% for child in elements %}
                    {{ child }}
                {% endfor %}
            {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}

The code works up to the second level without any problems. However, if there is a third level, this is only displayed as a dictionary. Therefore, the output is “{‘3. Other Facilities, Operating and Business Equipment’: [‘Cars’, ‘Trucks’]}”
Iterating over them with for key, val in child do not work.

Any ideas?