Display custom UI Component in modal

I have created a UI Component based on the code from Alan Storm’s excellent tutorial. This UI Component displays as expected in pages with dedicated routes.

However, the UI Component will not display in a modal on the Product page in adminhtml. Here is a Modifier for a modal to display the UI Component from the fine tutorial:

namespace DotancohenFooUiDataProviderProductFormModifier;
use MagentoCatalogModelLocatorLocatorInterface;
use MagentoCatalogUiDataProviderProductFormModifierAbstractModifier;
class Features extends AbstractModifier {
    protected $_product;
     * @param LocatorInterface $locator
    public function __construct(LocatorInterface $locator)
        $this->_product = $locator->getProduct();

    public function modifyMeta(array $meta) : array
        if ( !$this->_product ) {
            return $meta;
        $product_id = $this->_product->getId();
        $meta['exclude_modal'] = array (
            'arguments' => array (
                'data' => array (
                    'config' => array (
                        'componentType' => 'modal',
                        'dataScope' => '',
                        'provider' => 'product_form.product_form_data_source',
                        'ns' => 'product_form',
                        'options' => array (
                            'title' => 'Configure Particular Foo or Bar', /* How to Display the Foo ID or Bar ID here? */
                            'buttons' => array (
                                0 => array (
                                    'text' => 'Save',
                                    'class' => 'action-primary',
                                    'actions' => array (
                                        0 => array (
                                            'targetName' => 'index = product_form',
                                            'actionName' => 'save',
                                        1 => 'closeModal',
            'children' => array (
                'modal_content' => array (
                    'arguments' => array (
                        'data' => array (
                            'config' => array (
                                'autoRender' => false,
                                'componentType' => 'container',
                                'dataScope' => 'data.product',
                                'externalProvider' => 'data.product_data_source',
                                'ns' => 'product_form',
                                'render_url' => 'https://example.com/admin/mui/index/render/key/123abc/',
                                'realTimeLink' => true,
                                'behaviourType' => 'edit',
                                'externalFilterMode' => true,
                                'currentProductId' => $product_id,
                    'children' => array (
                        'modal-fieldset' => array (
                            'arguments' => array (
                                'data' => array (
                                    'config' => array (
                                        'label' => 'Fieldset',
                                        'componentType' => 'fieldset',
                                        'dataScope' => 'foos_features',
                                        'collapsible' => true,
                                        'sortOrder' => 10,
                                        'opened' => true,
                            'children' => array (
                                /* These "Features" will be different for each Foo and Bar! How to get the Foo or Bar ID to invoke a method which will return the proper data? */
                                'first_feature' => array (
                                    'arguments' => array (
                                        'data' => array (
                                            'config' => array (
                                                'label' => 'Feature the first',
                                                'dataScope' => 'first_feature',
                                                'componentType' => 'pulsestorm_simple',
                                                'sortOrder' => 10,
                                'second_feature' => array (
                                    'arguments' => array (
                                        'data' => array (
                                            'config' => array (
                                                'label' => 'Feature the second',
                                                'dataScope' => 'second_feature',
                                                'componentType' => 'field',
                                                'dataType' => 'text',
                                                'formElement' => 'checkbox',
                                                'valueMap' => array (
                                                    'true' => '1',
                                                    'false' => '0',
                                                'sortOrder' => 20,

        return $meta;


I suspect that the problem is that I do not know what values to use for the component’s dataType or formElement in the config array, so I do not have these values configured.

Where are the dataType, formElement, and other config array keys documented? I see no mention of them in the fine manual. Furthermore, is this in fact the problem? What else might be?