Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Display price attributes on backend list Magento 2

We have a module that create quotes that very simaler like create orders from backend, add customer, add product/s by select them so you can see them as a list in the backend before you create the order and submit them.

I tried to add more 2 attributes with price value, I can see them under any product on backend with their value. But when I want to see them in the list on backend I got 0$ instead the value of the attribute.

I added to code :

< ?php echo $block->escapeHtml(__('Extra Price 1: ')); ?>

< ?php $pricingHelper = $this->helper(MagentoFrameworkPricingHelperData::class); ?>
< ?php echo $pricingHelper->currency($product->getData('price_tier_1'), true, false); ?>

< ?php echo $block->escapeHtml(__('Extra Price 2: ')); ?> < ?php $pricingHelper = $this->helper(MagentoFrameworkPricingHelperData::class); ?> < ?php echo $pricingHelper->currency($product->getData('price_tier_2'), true, false); ?>

any idea why? suggest to solve it and see the correct value that appear in the product information in the backend?


enter image description here