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Does ffmpeg have length limit for an input file?

I try to split my ~8h mp3 file to files with length of 15 minutes. I am using this command found here. It should produce 33 files but produces 15 instead. I tried also a mp3splt tool and the result was the same. I noticed by looking at generated file names that it didn’t skip any file up until the 15th (I mean timestamps in file names suggest that nothing was skipped) but 16th – 33rd files were not generated. This is the command which I used:

ffmpeg -i input_file.mp3 -map 0 -f segment -segment_time 900 -c copy output_file%03d.mp3

This is part (this kind of line was repeated several times with different sizes) of the output which may suggest that something is incorrect but I am not sure how to interpret it:

[mp3 @ 0x5606e061a500] Audio packet of size 234057 (starting with 00000000...) is invalid, writing it anyway.