Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Download slower than my bandwidth

My download currently maxes out at 3mbyte/sec. I have a connection that is capable of 150mbit/sec download. I confirmed this by doing a speedtest:

enter image description here

However, when I download something from an FTP server or try a test-download from some test server, the speed always maxes out at 3mbyte/sec.

enter image description here

However, this should be higher, because the 150mbit/sec should amount to something like 18mbyte/sec and maybe a little bit less if you subtract some overhead.

I already moved from wifi to an ethernet connection, to no avail. I disabled my firewall and real time antivirus. I don’t know what limits my download speed. And I dont understand why the speedtest shows much higher speed.

I am also quite sure that it has nothing to do with network card drivers since the issue appears for both the WiFi and the Ethernet connetions.