Zend certified PHP/Magento developer


I was checking the firewall setttings for my Windows 10 computer because everytime I set the connection to be encrypted for the Outbound DNS ** related items my Wireless connection fails. I run the troubleshooter and it tells me that the IP address doesnt have a valid configuration. I am looking for IT specialist that can help me identify how to fix this problem. I am currently going through the items 1 by 1 and identifying which ones have the problem. Once I identified at least 1 I went into the Advanced settings and found this connected to my Wireless Display Output. Keep in ind when I checked the internet about hat should be there it was listed NT AUTHORITYAuthenticated Users
NT AUTHORITYInteractive Niether of these are present.

{I believe it was through these settings implemented through the internet without me knowing which allowed for the monitoring of my screen and collaboration of collusion to drain my account}

If you can assist with this problem please share your solution because I dont answer immediately dont let that hinder you from giving a detailed explination of the solution that you propose. I am only online 2 hours out of the day and it is usually Mid-day in the Western Hemesphere so please allow 24 Hours for a response and I will reply, just check Back. Also to reach me more directly Please use the info below.

I have crealted a Group for IT specialist that are willing to help individuals like me who are Novice Users like my self who believe they have been hacked and need specialist IT assistance. Like myself who had thousands of dollars stolen from my account. These individuals are generally less fortunate and don’t have the accesrs or income to protect their devices, homes, & lives without proper instruction. Thank you for your assistance

I have created a GroupMe IT Specialist Group https://groupme.com/join_group/70850977/XgGQUD4m