Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Extending Windows 7 system partition to the left

I have an old pc with Windows 7 and Lubuntu dual-booted. Since I don’t really use Lubuntu any more, I’ve wanted to get rid of it. Here’s the problem: As you can see in this image:

Screenshot of partitioning of hard drive.

You can see that my Windows 7 partition is in the middle and not directly on the left. After looking around the internet a bit I’ve seen that this is a bit of a problem if you want to extend the middle partition. Still, my question is: Is there still any consistent way of extending a middle partition to the left without losing data?

I will take any suggestions. I’m fine with 3rd party software, as long as it’s free.
By consistent I mean that the process won’t cause errors sometimes.

I have seen a suggestion on the internet to copy all data to a secondary drive, and I can do that but only if there is no other option.

Thank you so much in advance!