Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Firefox Autocomplete the entire URL

Im using firefox 73 on Mac OSX 10.15.3. I can’t ever get firefox to autocomplete the full URL I want to go to. It never completes the part after the fist slash. For example, if I type gr in Firefox, I want to actually get the URL of the google group I frequently visit


firefox url completion

Where as in chrome, typing gr actually completes the full url:

chrome url completion

This happens with/without plugins, normal/prviate windows, etc. I’ve cleared out all history/everything to try and clear it, and manually removed my places.sql file to no avail. It isn’t a new problem, I’ve always had this problem with Firefox. Its just now Im trying to actually switch to it as my daily browser.


This doesn’t just happen for this site. It happens for all sites who have a /something which is my actual intention is to visit. Ive even tried erasing all history/everything and only actually typing out the full url: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/tiddlywiki, or https://www.justwatch.com/us, but I still only get https://groups.google.com/ and https://www.justwatch.com/ in the address bar. I have to press down/tab to get the site I want.