I noticed the other day that interacting with gitlab.com is extremely slow when I’m connected to the VPN at my job. If I disconnect, it’s very fast. Here’s an example I just did of a git fetch
first with VPN disconnected, and then again with it connected. That was the only difference, and was moments apart.
➜ git:(autodeploy-test) time git fetch
git fetch 0.02s user 0.02s system 5% cpu 0.863 total
➜ git:(autodeploy-test) time git fetch
git fetch 0.02s user 0.03s system 0% cpu 1:16.46 total
You can see it takes 0.8 seconds without VPN, and with it, takes 76 seconds. These timings are consistent with what I’ve experienced. I’m hitting gitlab.com, and I’m using SSH. I’m not even sure what to troubleshoot at this point though, or what info might be useful. I just did an internet speed test on speedtest.net and got a download rate of 234 Mbps. This is a recent development; I don’t recall anything like this happening until yesterday, and I’ve had this laptop for a few weeks now, and have been working with gitlab.com and on the VPN consistently.
Not sure where to look from here, any help would be appreciated!