Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

Having problems with macOS [Monterey] environment variables and Jenkins

I have an issue “reading/recognizing” all of the environment variables with a Jenkins build.

All of those necessary variables have been set via Terminal and are properly written in both .bashrc and .zshrc .

My build.sh requires those environment variables to be set and when I am building manually (running build.sh via Terminal) – everything goes very smooth.

The issue I am having is when I try to build with Jenkins, it does not “read/recognize” those already set environment variables. When I start a build with the following Jenkinsfile I am not getting anything that is expected (as I would get in Terminal).


pipeline {
    agent {
        label 'MacAgent-AppleSilicon_Test'

    options {
        timeout(time: 4, unit: 'HOURS')

    stages {
        stage ('Jenkins') {
            steps {
                sh '''
                    brew list
                    echo $HOME
                    echo $PATH
                    echo $NVM_DIR
                    echo $JAVA_HOME
                    echo $ANDROID_HOME
                    echo $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT
                    echo $ANDROID_NDK_HOME
                    nvm ls

ONLY results I am getting are the following:

$SHELL => /bin/zsh
whoami => ec2-user
$PATH => /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

Everything else return empty echo and for nvm ls – it fails since nvm: command not found.

Here is my .plist:


I have found a solution that works for now, I have set those Environment Variables on Jenkins – Nodes -> Slave_Agent -> Configure -> Node properties/Environment Variables.

This works for now but as soon as I start at least one build .bashrc and .zshrc are removed/gone from the macOS Agent.

Would really appreciate suggestions about possible solutions as to how to make Jenkins builds to read Environment Variables, without having it set under Node Properties.