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How can I run a program under winlogon.exe and still use it on my desktop/explorer.exe? [closed]

I been at this for days. I can run a program under winlogon.exe but when I login I don’t see the program. I have already tried ComputerHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon and changing shell and userinit values in there but still nothing. I took a screenshot of it, its running but I cant bring it to my screen to use it. example You can see notepad.exe is running under winlogon.exe and not under explorer.exe, but I don’t see it anywhere on my explorer or screen. I am trying so that a program doesnt leave strings in explorer. When a program run opens in explorer.exe it leaves behind strings but if I was able to run it under winlogon.exe then I can make it so it doesnt leave strings in explorer.exe.