Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How to Add Normally Hidden Source and Date Data per Bullet Point/Line in Microsoft Word?


I want to be able to add metadata type information per bullet point or per line in Microsoft word that is hide-able, including the source and the day I found the information.


I want to have a master document for all notes on a given subject, rather than individual documents per book or resource. Still, I want to know where I found each datum if I need to do more digging. Writing the source manually at the end of each line would clutter the document as well as be a hassle.

What I’m envisioning:

A word file with bullet points. Being able to select all bullet points to add that metadata in some way. Being able to show/hide that metadata with a click. While not required, being able to search for specific sources or dates would also be useful.

What I’ve tried:

Only googling. Unfortunately, I was unable to find anything related to this feature through google.

Thanks for your willingness to help!