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How can I treat an input audio stream as discontinuous parts in ffmpeg?

I’m trying to mux together a video from an audio source and a video source. Now it turned out that the audio stream has a part missing in the middle, where it abruptly changes to a different position with regard to the video.

I’m currently using the commandline

 ffmpeg -ss 2465 -i in.h264 -ss 0 -i in.mkv -c copy -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -shortest ffmpeg.out.mp4

and it gives

Video: ABCD
Audio: ABD

What I want is:

Video: ABCD
Audio: AB D

In my example, AB is 8h long and C is 45m long. So I need a command which takes the first 8h of the audio and muxes it with the first 8h of the video (itself already trimmed at the front with -ss 2465); then uses the next 45 minutes of the video without audio; and then muxes the rest of both streams.