Zend certified PHP/Magento developer

How do i add custom jquery to a page widget in magento 2 admin?

I’m creating a new widget which can be added to a cms page in admin, i have all the fields defined and it adds the widget to the page, but i need to load in some custom jquery so i can attach some events to the form fields.

So here is the xml definition with the parameters that i need to also inject the jquery:

<widget class="VendorModuleBlockWidgetPosts" id="vendor_module_posts">
            <label>RssFeeds Articles by Posts</label>
        <description>Widget to show the latest articles from the processed RSS Feeds</description>
            <parameter name="title" sort_order="5" visible="true" xsi:type="text">
            <parameter name="rss_posts" xsi:type="multiselect" visible="true" sort_order="10" source_model="VendorModuleUiComponentListingColumnRssPosts">
                <label translate="true">Posts</label>
            <parameter name="show_image" xsi:type="select" required="true" source_model="VendorModuleModelConfigSourceSelect" visible="true" sort_order="20" >
                <label translate="true">Show image</label>
                <description>Select type option</description>
            <parameter name="show_author" xsi:type="select" required="true" source_model="VendorModuleModelConfigSourceSelect" visible="true" sort_order="30" >
                <label translate="true">Show author</label>
                <description>Select type option</description>
            <parameter name="show_published_date" xsi:type="select" required="true" source_model="VendorModuleModelConfigSourceSelect" visible="true" sort_order="40" >
                <label translate="true">Show published date</label>
                <description>Select type option</description>
            <parameter name="show_title" xsi:type="select" required="true" source_model="VendorModuleModelConfigSourceSelect" visible="true" sort_order="50" >
                <label translate="true">Show title</label>
                <description>Select type option</description>

I’m basically wanting to add some jquery to attach to some of the elements for change events etc.

NOTE: This is only for the admin area where you actually select the widget to add to the page and select the options, i don’t need the jquery on the frontend (that bit i already know how to do)